Through groundbreaking partnerships, we're transforming the lives of those living with ALS, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and other conditions that limit movement and speech. By leveraging advanced AI technology, we enable natural communication, empowering patients to share their powerful stories at fundraising galas, across social media platforms, and through awareness campaigns - touching millions of lives worldwide.
The Impact
Awareness & Support
Patient stories reach audiences through social media campaigns and TikTok channels, helping raise awareness and supporting fundraising initiatives for those affected by these conditions
500 Million
Potential Impact
With hundreds of millions affected by muscular and neurological conditions globally, our work with ALS and Duchenne patients shows promising potential for broader applications and growing impact
Digital Accessibility and Communication
Digital accessibility lies at the heart of our mission, using AI technology to create more natural communication solutions for those with limited mobility and speech through personalized avatars